Sunday, August 2, 2015

Thank goodness for this weekend

First, a huge shout out and congratulations to Ronda Rousey, still the undefeated champion, who retained her UFC belt and continues to make history in a storm of fireworks in the octagon! This woman is a true inspiration to all, and an athlete to be admired and remembered by generations. She is whom I aspire to be more like: badass, kickass, tougher than nails, and yet so sweet and kind, so genuine and down to earth, a real human being who knows how to use her fears and any insecurity inside as a fuel source to propel her forward, instead of pull her back. As an athelete myself, she is an icon of motivation and encouragement. Staying up till 2am to watch her fight was more than worth it. It made my night! Go Rowdy!

Things are starting to settle down around here. The kids are all doing better. Laxatives for the win. Yesterday morning, I went to yoga class for the first time in two weeks. It felt great, but I was still feeling the aftermath of my injury, my bruised ribs still preventing me from taking breaths as fully and deeply as I would want for vinyasa yoga. I still found myself having to stop and catch my breath more often than I liked, and I still ran out of air pretty quickly and frequently, unable to utilize my ujjayi breathing to its whole extent. I'm just going to have to continue to be patient and take it easy. I'm happy to be back in the yoga studio though. I can't wait for ashtanga yoga on Wednesday. I've missed Tracy's class.

After yoga class, the weather was feeling so mellow, I decided I wanted to go for a ride. But by the time I got to the barn, it was as if the temperature had risen 10 degrees in 1 hour. 15 minutes of flat work later, I declared that we were done. We did end on a perfect downward transition from canter to trot to walk, and I was satisfied. Candy was clearly not in the mood for roasting under the very hot sun directly overhead, and I was panting already, on the verge of a sunburn with my uncovered shoulders. I made sure to give Candy some extra pampering and loving time before putting her back into her pasture. Supposedly, another heat wave is upon us, to last until Tuesday. Summer sucks sometimes. To think that where my parents are in Maine, it hits 70 during the day and 60 at night, I'm here in Maryland green with envy.

Ezra and I slept till 3pm today. At least I finally feel rested and refreshed, ready for the new week, looking forward to jump back into the groove of things. I woke up to a notification in my email telling me that my Praxis writing exam score had come out. My score: 184. DE state requirement for passing: 162. Another major weight, which was one more thing that had been nagging over me and worrying me for a week and a half, is now lifted off of my head. I'm ready to apply for teaching jobs in Delaware, as soon as I get the official go from the university. I forwarded a copy of my score report to the ARTC director, now just awaiting instructions on how to proceed. I'm so excited! I can't wait to start working in the fall. I'm going to be a teacher, and I'm going to be good at it. A real job, a good job, a job that pays enough, a job that I'll like, a job that suits me, a job for me to earn money to spoil my horse! Yep, I'm quite proud of myself at this moment. And of course, we went out for sushi dinner to celebrate.

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