Thursday, August 27, 2015

First week down

My everywhere hurts, especially my feet from all the walking. I'm exhausted. Yeah, unfortunately, I'm not going to yoga tonight. I'm about to drop dead, and my whole body is crying for mercy.

And idiots be like... you don't know what tired is until you have kids. People who say stuff like this clearly have never gone to a day of college.

I got more errands done today after my one Thursday morning class, including a trip to the university bookstore for some course materials. Side note: there are perks to early morning classes and having to be at school by the crack of dawn. Under normal circumstances, never any problem finding a parking spot. When noon rolls around, the garages are jam packed. Also, Towson University is seeing me with makeup on for the first time. Behold the spectacle that is Holly wearing makeup to school!

I finally got around to taking my engagement ring to Smyth Jewelers in Timonium to get resized. While waiting for my wedding band's 1-hour spa treatment, I took a quick drive up to the Dover Saddlery store in Sparks, just a little ways away. I'm proud of my self-control. I managed to walk out with only exactly what I needed to get from there, and nothing more. Despite having to walk at least one round and admire the lines of beautiful bridles, bits, girths, and boots that I so want Candy to have, I only bought what I absolutely could not find one of at the barn to use that Candy really needs, which is a front riser wither pad, the kind that Karly told me to get for some saddle relieve, until she muscles up around her spine again. I can't wait for her to use it. I think she's going to feel much better with it! But oh, the longing, the temptation, the coveting feelings. Next year, Candy, next year. As soon as I land a job, one year from now, I will pamper you rotten, with all kinds of lovely new things, I promise! I will buy you monthly supplements, top quality fly sprays, the most delicious treats, plus a bridle and girth of your own, and maybe a full set of boots, too. You'll get new and colorful saddle pads, more and nicer wither pads, hoof polish, and maybe even a fly mask. Let these dreamy thoughts keep me motivated and help me through what's for sure going to be a tough year. The fact that all of last year's intensive term interns who became certified and who applied for music teaching jobs are now employed is certainly comforting news. If I could just cover my portion of our bills, there should be no objection to me spoiling my pony.

Random fact of the day: apparently I have a very memorable face, but a very unmemorable name. More than one former professor of mine have said something along the line of "I recognize your face, but what's your name again?" Well, as long as I stay clear of the voice department, my PTSD will not be triggered. I'm already starting to get used to being on campus again, and the Center for the Arts building. This time, I've gone in with a whole different attitude and perspective. I'm there to learn, to complete my education, to get my degree and my teacher certification that'll get me a real and hopefully good job afterwards. I'm not there to kiss anyone's ass. 

Thank the gods, tomorrow I have off. No field experiences this week. The plan is to ride tomorrow evening, and do yoga Saturday morning. Oh, and at some point, I need to get started on homework, too.

By the way, school is expensive, did you know that? I feel like this first week of back to school is making our bank account weep. Yes, it'll get better, once I'm settled and no longer need to buy food at school, and have everything I need for my classes. Until then... I'm beyond grateful that my student loans are now on deferment.

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