Friday, July 31, 2015

I'm ready for a restart now

I recruited the husband's help, and cleaned the entire apartment tonight. It was amazingly de-stressing, to conclude my week from hell. Early this evening, I had my meltdown that I needed to get out of the way, that I'd been seeing coming for a few days. I didn't even go riding today as I'd planned. I was exhausted, so exhausted, physically and mentally worn down to the core. This mother of cats could really use a vacation, preferably some time soon.

Wednesday afternoon I had to take Angela to the vet's, and I ended up having to miss ashtanga yoga class because of how long it took. For the second week in a row, I didn't go to ashtanga yoga, which I wanted to kick myself and everything else for. An overnight stay in the hospital, 2 enemas, and more than $300 later, my poor little girl was able to come back home Thursday evening. So now, Angela is on medications twice a day for constipation, and Adina is on medications twice a day for asthma (the result of her full x-ray reading in a nutshell, basically). Trust me, it's not pleasant for all involved. This morning, I also discovered alarming signs of potential constipation in Emma's litter box contents, so I began giving her Lactulose as well. I'm now deeply regretting changing their kibbles, thinking I was doing them a favor by scoring a better brand on sale. Deal or no, I still paid a good amount of money for the current bucket full, so I'm going to have them finish it, and then we're going back to what they were eating before, and I'll never feed them this food again, or change their food at all again for the matter, even though they had never had a problem with any of that before. Canned cat food, canned pumpkin, and Lactulose are going to be well stocked, and I'm also going to give homemade food one more try.

One thing for sure: after having had to take 3 cats to the vet's this week, I don't even want to look at our bank account right now. Let's just say that I'll be very glad on the day when I have a job again.

On one positive note, Candy and I had an awesome lesson Thursday morning. It was hot, and we both broke out some serious sweat, but we had a great time. I think Candy had more fun than I did even. How amazing it feels to be really jumping again, to be regaining my courage and confidence, to feel the leap, to have that adrenaline rush and sense of exhilaration that I can't obtain from anything else, and to remember exactly why I love it so much! Candy was so happy to be doing real jumps again, she couldn't stop snorting and bouncing near the end. What a silly pony! Karly was pleased with our progress, and I was more than glad to be fully back into commission on horseback. I couldn't stand being injured for any longer.

On another positive note, today I got an email from the ASPCA, notifying me that I'm one of the lucky winners of Jackson Galaxy's #MyRescueCat contest. That kind of made my day. Whatever might be in the $75 worth prize packet, I'm sure the kids will love them. We're all eagerly waiting for the package's arrival! It's always a good feeling to win something, especially when it's for the kids.

I am determined to go to 2 vinyasa yoga classes this weekend. Maybe even ride at least once. New month tomorrow, and I'm ready for another new start. I'm also determined to take a deep breath, and tell myself one more time that I am a strong person, that I will continue to be strong, and stronger. My kids are depending on me to be strong for them. Candy also needs me to be strong for and with her. I have so much to give, so much to share. I must keep in mind and always remind myself to have patience, faith, and positivity. Hard times pass. Things don't stay difficult forever. This, too, will become the past soon, and I shall come out stronger and a better person. As always, look on the bright sides of things, and never stray from gratitude's company. Everything will be right in time. 

Also, thanks to Katy Perry for my mother of cats theme song! 

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