Sunday, August 16, 2015

It's been a good weekend

It felt like ages since the last time I was in a vinyasa yoga class. Understandable, but I still felt like a bum when I stepped into the upstairs studio this morning. It was an instructor whom I hadn't tried out before, so I was excited and a bit nervous at the same time. It turned out to be a good class. Granted, the only one of us who had any success with a hand stand at all was a 13-year-old gymnast who looked like she weighed nothing at all. For me, no luck yet. And yes, I also fully realize that getting older sucks. What I wouldn't give for a teenager's level of energy and flexibility nowadays. If I've been doing yoga since age 13, I'd probably also be a whole lot better off at my age now. But, again, life long progress, remember? Things just might happen to us at certain times for certain reasons. I think I would like to keep going to Margarita's Sunday morning vinyasa class. She's quite a fun teacher, and does amazing arm balance inversions!

After lunch, Ezra and I went to the pool in our apartment complex for the first time since we moved here. Not being a fan of open water, I swam one round and then spent the rest of the time sunbathing, hoping to even out my tan a little. Yep, my equestrian tan lines that are all too obvious to those who know what to look for. Ezra spent the whole time mostly in the water, hoping to include swimming as one more form of exercise that he can somewhat enjoy in his weight loss program. In case you haven't noticed yet, my husband is not the least bit interested in horseback riding or yoga, and this will probably remain a disappointment for me for the rest of our lives. My husband is also among the majority of Americans who find no joy in working out, something that can be hard to comprehend for those of us who are fitness junkies. But, one important factor to marital bliss includes different tastes, hobbies, and being able to spend time doing fun things separately without each other, correct? He's a scientist, I'm a musician. He has his Magic the Gathering and games, I have my horse and yoga. It all balances out.

Not that I'm that much of a poolside person anyway, going into the water or not. It was hot out, and I got bored quickly. Not to mention, I just don't find bikinis very comfortable to wear, elastics and straps and strings stretched tight behind my neck and all. But I think my tan looks slightly better now.

In the evening, Ezra left for Virginia and will be there till Friday. I do plan on spending some extra time at the barn and in the yoga studio during this week that I'm on my own. It's my last week to cram in some more riding and yoga time before I'll have to split my life into several chunks again. Sorting out a consistent weekly riding and yoga schedule once school starts won't be easy, and keeping up with trying to do each at least three times a week will be a challenge to say the least. But when you want to do something badly enough, you squeeze out time for it and make it work. That's how you fit it all in and enjoy your life at the same time.

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