Wednesday, August 19, 2015

One week more

Classes start exactly one week from today. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. What had gone into this decision were not all easy, and going back to school is always a big step to take. But in my guts, I know that I'm 100% doing the right thing this time. That master's degree and teacher certification will be mine in one year's time. Here's to the prospect of a real job, a good career, and finally making enough money to not only pay my student loans, but also buy lots of things for Candy!

I'm going to miss Wednesday evening ashtanga yoga. Come next week, at 5:30pm on every Wednesday, I'll be sitting in a classroom, wishing I were in the yoga studio instead. I'm hoping with all my heart that Tracy will get an additional class spot at some point in the near future. I love ashtanga yoga and Tracy's teaching, and it will break my heart to have to stop all together.

Karly and I are planning for some dressage lessons starting next week. Candy's dressage saddle set has been calling to be put back into work, and it's about time for me to start learning real dressage. I want to be a well rounded rider, and if I want to become an eventer, well, now is as good as ever to begin serious dressage training. And I know for a fact that a good dressage foundation will solidify my jumping foundation as well. Perhaps we can start switching off, jumping lesson one week and dressage lesson the next week and so on so forth. From what I've heard, Candy is a fun dressage horse, and I'd love to someday, take her to freestyle dressage shows. In my head I've been making a fun playlist. Holly Carr and Midnight Candy, the dressage rock and roll duo, how does that sound?

I did appreciate a couple of good days of rest, though I'm not sure how much riding time I'll get this week, looking at these thunderstorm forecasts. I am, however, welcoming the idea of a few more rainy days to bring down the temperature a little. It would be nice if we could go into September with some cooler weather. I do plan on having at least a little bit of no stirrup and/or bare back work the next chance I get. Maybe I'll start putting "leg days" into my riding schedule, like Karly does with her Bubby. I'm probably not going to enjoy them, but we all know I need them.

I know I might've said this before, but I can't wait for fall. Being able to ride in the afternoons, cross country training, Fair Hill, and possibly shows! I have high hopes for Candy and I being competition ready by the time the weather begins to cool and the leaves begin to turn, and this fall seems like a suitable time for me to begin my eventing career. I've got plans, and I want to get started on them.

The possibilities are endless!

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