Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It has begun

First day of classes. Yay.

It's a little after 9pm, and I just want to go to sleep. I discovered this morning that I need to leave even earlier than 6:45am to beat rush hour traffic in its entirety all the way from 95 to 695 to the middle of Towson. And that means getting up at 5:30am to be out the door by 6:30am in order to have ample time for everything in the morning. Fun. How fun. I love this state. I really do.

Everyone was beyond grateful for the instructor of our Wednesday night class calling it an early night tonight. It was a good day, but really, really long, involved a ton of physical exertion in the warmth of the late morning sun, and by the time I made it home at around 8pm, I was burnt through and through. How relieved was I to kick off my running shoes, dump my dirty, sweaty clothes that I'd worn for more than 12 hours into the hamper, and jump into a hot shower. Orientation day was a big day for the 2015 - 2016 intensive term music education pre-interns/teacher certification candidates, preparing this semester to enter into our student teaching internships in Maryland public schools in the spring. I'm easily one of the oldest if not the oldest of this year's group. And I could tell by my energy level for the outdoor team building challenge courses compared to the others. However, one thing for sure, and I'd been nervous and unsure about it until today: it's a wonderful feeling to be welcomed back into the department with open arms. Two new faculty members, both are very nice people. At the end of the orientation, I had my "official" intensive term interview with the department, in my gym clothes that I'd worn for this morning's workout, for nobody saw the need for me to change into the business casual attire that I'd actually prepared for the short but necessary occasion. Turning in a few pieces of last minute paperwork meant my complete acceptance into the program. Congratulations to me. Thank you again, Dr. McCabe! Granted, there's still a to-do list that awaits me, but I have the weekend to get it all done by the 31st. And I have nothing planned this weekend for a good and imaginable reason.

I did spend yesterday, my last day of "freedom", eventfully. I had my first dressage lesson with Karly. It was clear and expected that Candy is more than a bit rusty on the whole dressage subject, but we think she'll pick it back up quickly. Man, a dressage saddle felt weird, especially with such long stirrups and having to sit so far back and deep on the horse! It wasn't brutally hot, thankfully, but riding with the sun directly overhead in the early afternoon was certainly no walk in the park. I couldn't blame Candy one bit for being as lazy as I'd ever seen her. Despite it all, it was one more valuable lesson. Granted, my legs felt like they each had an iron ball and chain attached to it by the end. I had a couple more lightbulb moments, which Karly promised I'll have more and more of as I continue riding more and more. Realizing full well that my once weak and sloppy legs had gotten me into some trouble by wanting to swing backwards to often, I'd developed a tendency to stick my legs a little too forward at times in order to prevent that, especially in an attempt to compensate the whole concept of sitting up and back in the saddle and needing to "push" from my hips. The trick comes when I should keep my upper body still and straight, sit back, and still keep my legs right underneath me, not too far front and not too far back. If I could just unlock my lower back (which isn't always easy, considering my lower back pains), keep my hips open and knees out, calves "hugging" Candy's belly, while all at the same time, prop my upper body with my core at all times, and have my legs tucked snug and under, then I can practically have my behind glued to the saddle, "swing" with Candy's every motion instead of bounce against her canter strides, "drive" Candy with my seat and legs with full control, and really use my body to propel as well as slow her as needed, whenever and wherever. Sounds simple enough, right? Yeah, easier said than done. I swear, I get it. The idea is bright and clear in my head. Forcing my stubborn body to all click together at the exact right time, then stay that way, and do it the same over and over again, on the dot each time, whole different story. Once again, why doesn't everyone ride? Because it's so damn hard!

But, if every time I ride, I learn something and improve, that's what counts, remember? The important part is that I'm constantly acquiring new knowledge and putting it to use, pushing my comfort zone just a bit farther every time I climb onto the saddle, and then practicing until it becomes mine. Hey, isn't that what it takes to master anything in life?

It's going to be a semi long day tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to Heather's yoga for athletes class tomorrow night!

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