Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Just recounting the last few days

There's a few things going through my head right now.

First of all, rest in peace, Cecil the lion, beautiful creature that he was. May justice be served soon, and that he did not die in vain. May karma unleash its wrath in the most severe form on that pathetic low life scum excuse of a human being, who deserves nothing less than the same fate. May Mother Earth and all the gods look after Cecil in the afterlife. May he be happy where he is now, knowing that he is loved, and that he will be avenged. You are greatly missed, Cecil!

Second of all, Adina, my first and oldest, my precious baby girl, went to the vet this morning for prolonged coughing and wheezing, and it's looking very likely that she has asthma. We should have a definite answer tomorrow, after a radiologist fully analyzes her chest x-rays for a diagnosis, and then we can discuss a treatment plan. We're convinced that excessive ingestion of fur from years of compulsive over-grooming is the underlying culprit for any pulmonary irritation in her system. I'm also beyond relieved that there are now better treatment options for a chronically neurotic/anxious cat. I look forward to proceeding, after all these years of having tried everything I could think of and nothing working.

Linus, my foster son, somehow ended up with a case of tapeworms. I shoved 2 deworming pills down his throat yesterday, as soon as I could get my hands on them, which should've done their job by now. How an exclusively indoor cat managed to get internal parasites is beyond me, unless he brought them with him when he first moved in with us at the end of March from the shelter situation where he had resided for a long time, and the worm segments just didn't show themselves in his poop until now. Anyway, I'm happy to have gotten that taken care of. Gross to say the least. Good thing I examine the contents of the litter boxes every time before I scoop them out. I don't even want to go into the laundry list of Linus's chronic health problems, for thinking about them at all makes me want to hurl something across the room. I've not only been frustrated with said health problems, but also at the rescue group for their continued oversight and lack of organization. I just made the call and broke up with Linus's very unhelpful former vet clinic, the details of which I also don't wish to repeat, for they actually gave me a real headache yesterday. I'm grateful that I can be the one to put him in better hands, because he's under my care and I'm responsible for his well-being. He went to our vet clinic with Adina this morning. He's fine at least for the time being. And I'm not going to end my pestering until he gets everything he needs.

Third of all, we went to look at more houses this evening. The trip was a fruitful one, for we found a house that we both really like that we would like to look into further and keep track of. Our goal for now is to have a house bought and ready to move into before our current apartment lease ends next year. Not going to lie, I can't wait to become a home owner. I'm tired of apartments already. I want a house of my own, a bigger space for us and the kids, and a nice place where we can comfortably accomodate a dog, which we want to adopt as soon as we acquire such.

Fourth of all, this past Sunday Ezra and I had another great time visiting our friends the Baltzes in Dover, DE. Some of our best friends that we had made in Japan, one good thing that the military had given us. However, what I did discover was that apparently, 3 years of living on a subtropical island has turned me into a vampire. A few hours in the sun on a beach was more than enough to make me sun sick. So, that weirdo you might see walking around carrying a little green sun umbrella, that would be me from now on. I had to cancel my riding lesson on Monday, to my great disappointment, because I was feeling so rotten from heat exhaustion. But, at least I'll have my lesson this week on Thursday. I'm in much need of guidance from Karly after my most recent incident involving a fall and a run over. 

Tomorrow, yoga classes shall resume for me. Hurray! 

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