Thursday, July 23, 2015


I went to the barn yesterday, although I left my boots at home to make sure that I wouldn't be too tempted to ride.

The day before, I had kept myself busy by cleaning/polishing my boots (which I hadn't done in months, terrible of me), washing my boot tote (for the first time since its acquisition more than a year ago), packing a new barn backpack (might as well put my not cheap L.L.Bean backpack to good use again now that it no longer has its original commission of being a school book bag), and organizing my DIY horse care kit. I also sorted through my riding clothes, sadly having to give up my purple Kerrits tights, which the ground and/or Candy's hooves had ripped holes through, and spandex just doesn't mend well. 

Candy looked happy to see me, and I perked up immediately upon seeing her face. Just being with her again made me feel better and less sad about not riding. I pampered her with a full body brush down, and then brushed her mane and tail until they glistened in the sunlight. I picked her hooves, and then sprayed them  thoroughly with apple cider vinegar. I put some more apple cider vinegar followed by M-T-G on her rain rot and girth itch spots, which looked to be mostly healed/scabbed over, thankfully. I followed Karly's advice, and put garlic juice into the bottle of fly spray, and it was sheer genius. As soon as I sprayed it on Candy, she stopped stomping flies. I did convince her to eat a little bit of minced garlic out of the jar, mixed with pieces of fresh carrots. Ok, it took some convincing, and I had to give her more treats afterwards. But a little bit is better than none. I just want to take better care of her, because she's my teammate, my partner working with me, and my friend.

I can't help it. I love this horse.

It was a lovely time, and I needed it. As I savored the hour of tranquility and solitude in the countryside, secluded and hidden from the hustle and bustle of the modern world and everyday life, with only my equine best friend for company, I began to realize, that I dare to dream. I looked into the arena, with its fences and poles, temporarily off limits to me for just a few more days, and knew that I dare to dream, dare to be, and dare to find my happy place. I know where I'm meant to be, I know where I want to be, I know where I'm the happiest, and I know where I'm in my element. Nothing can stop me; not a fall, not an injury, not anything.

Then came today, which started early, a stark contrast to the whole week since my fall from grace. I had to take a trip to University of Delaware in Newark to take the Praxis core writing exam, required for all potential teachers seeking certification in the state of Delaware. I feel pretty good about how I did, especially now that it's over with. One more thing that I had to get out of the way to clear my path of finding a real job in the fall, which I'm crossing my fingers to happen so that I can pay for my expensive hobbies with my own money, as opposed to shamelessly taking advantage of my husband's hard earned paychecks that already have to cover our too many bills each month. The test was finished early enough that I was able to stop by my allergist's office for my weekly allergy shots during their morning hours on my way home. A brand new batch of serum has just been made for me this week, and my dosage has been increased again. I swung by Tractor Supply Co, bought saddle soap and work gloves for me, a squeegee and bag of peppermint flavored treats for Candy. Later in the day, I made a trip to Food Lion, got a watermelon for me, and two containers of salt for Candy. I felt greatly productive today, and then I had to crash for a nap right after dinner, which was beef burgundy that was prepared last night and put into the slow cooker this morning. The weather today was beautiful, by the way. Perfect for being outdoors, after several days of unbearable sweltering heat. And it killed me that I couldn't go for a ride.

I'm glad to be feeling better. I have some fun plans made for tomorrow, just for me, which includes another trip to the barn in the evening!

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