Saturday, July 25, 2015

No time at the barn is wasted time

First of all, I can't help but wonder if there are sedatives in my new allergy serum. It's been making me want to sleep for 24 hours.

It kind of knocked out half of my day yesterday, but the second half of my day I had managed to make good use of. I finished my self-loathing challenge of reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Trust me, it took some time and effort. I'm trying to unshrink the neurons in my brain with the help of Emily Bronte now. Possibly adding a historical fiction novel about Queen Ankhesenamun of Egypt to my aid as well.

I did make it to the barn again yesterday evening. As expected, the time spent with Candy was much appreciated and treasured. I mixed her a salty snack of dry oatmeal and white salt, which she ate with some amount of confusion. Well, the recent heat waves and temperature fluctuations have gotten me a tad bit worried, so I figured, some extra electrolytes would do some good. I gave her another brush down, the usual hoof treatment, and spent more time working on those beautiful long locks that I adore. Leigh has told me that I'm more than welcome to pull or trim her mane. At first I thought it would be a good idea. At this point though, I think no way. It's just too beautiful, and I'm having too much fun taking care of it. Besides, she loves getting her hair brushed. She'd let me do it forever. It's almost like playing house with My Little Ponies, except the pony is real, and much, much bigger.

With the beauty treatment complete, I stood against the wooden fence, wanting to simply pet her and watch the sun go down with her. She stayed close to me, leaned her head against my torso, occasionally smacking her lips with content, and every now and then nuzzling me, while I scratched her neck and stroked her forehead. And I know even more now what this is all about, why I want to do this, why I need this in my life. Looking into her eyes, I know that she knows, too, and that she cares. My muse, my inspiration, my confidante as well. I don't care about competition, ribbons, and all that superficial stuff. This is what I care about. This is why I ride. This is why I have to have a horse to love.

Even though I do envy her for being more photogenic than I am. The beautiful mare in the setting sun. I pity anyone who can't perceive such beauty, such magnificence, such wonder of nature.

"It's not about the social accessories, the money, the ribbons. It's not about the winning. That comes easy. No, that comes easy. It's about the horse. How to care for the horse, how to ride the horse, and how to look after this great animal, the horse." - George Morris

I also need to mention that barn cats are awesome!

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