Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day weekend

Happy Labor Day! The best way to spend a third day off? A couple of extra hours at the barn, grooming and loving on the pony that I'd neglected for 2 weeks, of course! Boo that Ezra has had to work 2 out of the 3-day weekend. But that meant more time with my pony for me, with no guilt involved at all.

In all honesty, I felt awful. I'd seen Candy twice in the last 2 weeks. All excuses aside, it wasn't acceptable to me. I should've made the time, I should've sucked up being tired, I should've gone and ridden more than my 2 lessons over a 2-week period. I tried to make up for it as much as possible today. I did some of the circular leg yield exercises that Karly taught me the last time. I did a mini jump course. Well, more like setting up a few tiny jumps and then going at them in no certain order whatsoever, in whichever direction I felt like going after Candy started cantering. Candy did well. None of that mad dashing stunt that she pulled on me the last time. I was content enough to not push her today. The summer weather still insists on sticking around a bit longer, even though I was highly hoping for signs of fall after last week, and Candy takes heat about as well as I do.

I did decide to go on a trail ride and finally check out Susquehanna State Park. It turned out that trail riding isn't Candy's thing. The entire time, it didn't seem like she was able to make herself relax and enjoy the views at all. The running streams and rustling leaves made her uneasy, and the movements and sounds coming from the woods on both sides only unsettled her more. She refused to let me stop at any point, as if she just wanted to get out of there. I had to lift my guard up high, because the last thing I needed was a spook that would land me onto gravel and send my horse shooting off into the unknown. Not to mention the number of cars that constantly needed to get by us, that we'd probably annoyed. It's ok, Candy. It's not that exciting anyway. Even I was feeling claustrophobic on the narrow trail caved in by trees left, right, and over, and I'm certainly no fan of rocky grounds. Next time, we'll take the open field areas around the pastures on the property, where Leigh uses for cross-country lessons from time to time. I think we'll both be much more comfortable with a wider space, and I've been told that Candy loves cross-country.

On a side note, to my delight, I saw that Candy just got her feet done again. Her new shoes look to be a much better fit, and her hooves look like they've had a 180-degree turn-around since the first time I laid eyes on them. The farrier did an amazing job trimming the edges and filing down the cracks, and the bad parts look like they should be all grown out by the time her next pedicure comes around. I shall keep up with the apple cider vinegar hoof treatment. I'm convinced that it's been helping.

I made sure to give Candy a close check-over and extra pampering. I made her a snack of Cheerios with salt and garlic powder after we were done for the day. I gave her an extended rinse-down. I treated her girth itch with M-T-G. I brushed out her mane and tail until not one single bit of knot could be found. I even wiped her eye boogers. I sprayed apple cider vinegar on the little bit of rain rot that was left on her hind legs. Then I spritzed her well with fly spray, and gave her a ton of rubs and kisses. Honestly, I had so missed spending time with her.

In good timing, Karly shared this article on Facebook: Horsemanship Does Not Begin or End In the Saddle. It really rings true to me. As long as Candy is going to work for me, I'm going to take care of her, to the best of my abilities. The time I spend getting to know her and figuring her out goes far beyond the saddle. Not to mention, I enjoy being with her. No time spent with her is wasted time. I love her and cherish every moment of her company, her existence. I try to keep it under 3 hours every time I go to the barn. It never happens though. Certain things, on somedays, I can skip. Others, not unless I take a fall and get injured. I'm her rider, and therefore she's my responsibility. She's also my partner, my teammate, my best friend, for whom I only want the best, of everything possible. 

On a related subject, for Candy, I'm going to give up yoga classes until I start bringing in an income. While at the Renaissance Festival on Saturday, Ezra and I had a long discussion on our finances, which, of course, directly correlates with my monthly hobby expenses that happen to be all too high. Giving up Candy is unthinkable. That leaves me with the only alternative option. As soon as I start working and bringing home some money, I shall rejoin a yoga studio and take real classes again. In the meantime, starting next month, I will subscribe to a membership on YogaGlo and have unlimited monthly access to Kathryn Budig's online yoga classes and tutorials. I will also get Kathryn Budig's book of yoga for a guide. Ezra will build me a yoga floor over the carpet in our spare bedroom with plywood. I will create a yoga space with what I have, and I will do yoga at home as much as I can. I'm still a yogi and always will be. I will continue practicing yoga on a regular basis. I will set foot in a real studio again in the near future, and I will also start a consistent home practice. Just remember, this time will pass. This hard time for us will not last forever. There will come a time, when I will be able to do everything that I love without any worry or restraint. That time will come. I just need to be patient, and do what I can until then.

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